Ian Bateson’s group show with John Sharp in Lancaster UK, 2017.
In anticipation of my group exhibition with John Sharp in England, June 2017, thought I’d add another movie which I can share when...
experiment in Motionpoems
I’ve produced a fairly extensive group of concrete poetry over the years and now wanted to experiment with motion and poetry, this short...
Ian Bateson’s 2017 art compilation
January 2017 was the start of an all consuming process of planning, designing and production for a major two man exhibit with my friend, Joh
And these are the pieces that sold…
I thought people might be interested to learn which pieces of Procreate art I sold in a 2-man show with John Sharp (ORIGINS) in the two...
Adding a sale portal for my work
Setting an art sales store on Art Finder.
5 year reflection
It’s five years since my Father passed on, leaving my Mother, now 91, to live alone in the North West of England with the help of people...
Video of 2016 Artwork
Using QUICK to preview artwork by Ian Bateson.
2016 Procreate art published
Latest 2016 Procreate pieces from Ian Bateson.
Marina Hasselberg a gifted musician
NOVO’s ECHOES concert featured works for solo cello by J.S.Bach and Mark Haney, this concert also included two world premieres by Jordan...
A month of Procreating in England
For the last four years—since my Father died—I have made it a point to spend Christmas with my Mother who is now 90 and lives...